erm pada tarikh 060709 ktrg tlh diberitahu oleh fisya yg mnggu
ni claz PHP xde....yea!!!!!(hehehe cik am n cik lat jgn mrh ek!!!gurau je)
pe lg gan slumber nye ktrg soh as bli tiket blk johor mlm tu jgk..
hehehe so pd eck hr pd tarikh
ktrg telah slmt smpi di muar...
yea umh as!!!!!.....
hahahaha punye lme ktrg brgn nk g umh as...
br kl ni dpt...mule2 ktrg smpi kt situ ktrg g tanjung agas jmpe monyet..
hahahahaha...then ktrg g hsptl tgk adk spupu as...
slps itu ktrg jmpe mak cik aini(mak as la) perh bek gle mak die...
mse ktrg smpi tuh mak die watkn rojak+ABC tok ktrg...
perh mmg cedap lol...hehehe pastu mlm tuh family die bwk ktrg mkn roti canai..
tmpt tuh ak pun xpsti ktne...
yg pasti ktrg srnk dpt mkn free...hehehe..
mlm tuh ktrg g blk tnjg agas she tgk pmndgn waktu mlm..
hehehe smpi kt citu ktrg tgk rmi sgt makhluk gah dating...hahahaha
ooppsss!!!!! ktrg tgk je...ktrg amk gmbr je la...
ni mse ktrg mkn roti canai..
hehehe cm hepi je mkn roti canai
ni mse smpi kt tg agas
t'kejut tgk durian bsr sgt..
kt jeti..
erm ecknye plak ktrg g gunung ledang busu as bwk...
ktrg g sne bkn nk mndaki tp mndi sg..hehehe
lme ktrg rendam dlm sg tuh..agak2 4 jam le...hehehe lme xtgk sg cmni jdnye..
after that ktrg g bukit kepong kg as..
ktrg g cni sbb nk kutip buah kt dusun kwn busu as..
smpi kt kebun tuh bkn byk buah pun...
tp ade la cikit2..hehehe maceh ye abg iqbal sbb bg ktrg mkn buah..
erm ptg b4 ktrg nk blk tuh ktrg g balai polis bukit kepong..
niat hati nk tgk je tp ktrg dpt ceramah free...thnx pakcik..
erm mlm tuh as bwk ktrg g mkn mee bandung muar yg ummppp!!!
tp pedas gle la...mlm tuh ktrg tdo awl..sbb kepenatan..hehehe
ni mse smpi kt bukit kepong
echa pun nk jgk..
kt kete kebal..
tnde ktrg smpi kt cini
haaa ni pokok kepong...
korunk knl x??
welcome to bukit kepong
hr ni ktrg g wetex(as btl ke ak eja ni) sje jln2 kt citu...
jln pnye jln ktrg msk the store..nk bli duet xde so ktrg tgk jela...
then lapar lak perut kn ktrg g la mkn pizza kt dpn mall tuh..
bkn slalu mkn rmi2 cmnie..pasni ntah ble ag leh rmi2 cmni...
erin gan patung die
(erin sowry ak x edit ag hehehe)
as ttp gan pink die...
ak gan rabbit ak..hehehe
echa gan patung die yg comel..
ak n as...
echa n erin..
erm hr ni msing dh blk..
erin blk kul 12.30 pm
ak n echa blk kul 3.00 pm...
sekian sje cite ktrg mse g umh as...
as thnx coz bwk ktrg g umh ko...
n gerai ko...hehehe pnjg umur ktrg g ag...
tp tggu ko kawin dlu ar!!!
hahahaha....erm k lah...
pnjg lebar ak bebel hr ni...
rajin2 kn tgn tu komen aknye post ni..
daaa myfrez "GENG KENARI"
heheheh sekian....
post by: yana(pnt tgn ak naip hehehe)
ni claz PHP xde....yea!!!!!(hehehe cik am n cik lat jgn mrh ek!!!gurau je)
pe lg gan slumber nye ktrg soh as bli tiket blk johor mlm tu jgk..
hehehe so pd eck hr pd tarikh
ktrg telah slmt smpi di muar...
yea umh as!!!!!.....
hahahaha punye lme ktrg brgn nk g umh as...
br kl ni dpt...mule2 ktrg smpi kt situ ktrg g tanjung agas jmpe monyet..
hahahahaha...then ktrg g hsptl tgk adk spupu as...
slps itu ktrg jmpe mak cik aini(mak as la) perh bek gle mak die...
mse ktrg smpi tuh mak die watkn rojak+ABC tok ktrg...
perh mmg cedap lol...hehehe pastu mlm tuh family die bwk ktrg mkn roti canai..
tmpt tuh ak pun xpsti ktne...
yg pasti ktrg srnk dpt mkn free...hehehe..
mlm tuh ktrg g blk tnjg agas she tgk pmndgn waktu mlm..
hehehe smpi kt citu ktrg tgk rmi sgt makhluk gah dating...hahahaha
ooppsss!!!!! ktrg tgk je...ktrg amk gmbr je la...
erm ecknye plak ktrg g gunung ledang busu as bwk...
ktrg g sne bkn nk mndaki tp mndi sg..hehehe
lme ktrg rendam dlm sg tuh..agak2 4 jam le...hehehe lme xtgk sg cmni jdnye..
after that ktrg g bukit kepong kg as..
ktrg g cni sbb nk kutip buah kt dusun kwn busu as..
smpi kt kebun tuh bkn byk buah pun...
tp ade la cikit2..hehehe maceh ye abg iqbal sbb bg ktrg mkn buah..
erm ptg b4 ktrg nk blk tuh ktrg g balai polis bukit kepong..
niat hati nk tgk je tp ktrg dpt ceramah free...thnx pakcik..
erm mlm tuh as bwk ktrg g mkn mee bandung muar yg ummppp!!!
tp pedas gle la...mlm tuh ktrg tdo awl..sbb kepenatan..hehehe
korunk knl x??
hr ni ktrg g wetex(as btl ke ak eja ni) sje jln2 kt citu...
jln pnye jln ktrg msk the store..nk bli duet xde so ktrg tgk jela...
then lapar lak perut kn ktrg g la mkn pizza kt dpn mall tuh..
bkn slalu mkn rmi2 cmnie..pasni ntah ble ag leh rmi2 cmni...
(erin sowry ak x edit ag hehehe)
erm hr ni msing dh blk..
erin blk kul 12.30 pm
ak n echa blk kul 3.00 pm...
sekian sje cite ktrg mse g umh as...
as thnx coz bwk ktrg g umh ko...
n gerai ko...hehehe pnjg umur ktrg g ag...
tp tggu ko kawin dlu ar!!!
hahahaha....erm k lah...
pnjg lebar ak bebel hr ni...
rajin2 kn tgn tu komen aknye post ni..
daaa myfrez "GENG KENARI"
heheheh sekian....
post by: yana(pnt tgn ak naip hehehe)
best nye!
ReplyDeletetringin nak g johor..huhu
err..tmpt monyet 2 tanjung ketapang la bon..hehe..
ReplyDeletekorg da blik ak lak bru smpi warong as..
xpela..lenkali kite g lg..
konvoi ramai2 lak g warong as..
ReplyDeletelia2!! nnt g la johor.. ak da g da.. ^_^ngee~ best2.. thanx fiesha sudi ajak ak jln2 g johor..